Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Light Pollution HELPSEVIL!

This is your planet at night (if our whole globe was dark at once). All the light you see is either pointed up into space or so overly bright, that even when pointed downward, it still bounces back up into outer space. This unnecessary excess of artificial light is known as "Light Pollution." While this insidious menace comes from bad lights, it doesn’t necessarily come from bad people.

“So, good people of Earth!” We the Dark Rangers implore you, “PLEASE only buy, use, and tolerate night sky friendly lights.”

All light fixtures without a shrouds, motion sensors, and mirrored interiors are bad lights!

“Why?!” you ask?

I will use this blog to thoroughly describe 9 irrefutable and compelling reasons why you might want to join us in a stand against light pollution. Best of all, these 9 reasons are all wrapped up in a tidy little pneumonic.

Just remember, Light pollution HELPSEVIL!

H ampers Astronomy
E rases Heritage
L oves Waste
P aradoxically Precludes Safety
S acrifices Health
E ndangers Species
V andalizes Beauty
I gnores Property Boundaries
L eads to Global Climate Change

Learn more at www.iamthedarkranger.com

1 comment:

  1. Kevin - It's great to see you spiraling through that "Humongous Vacuously Horrifyingly Empty" Space you have excited people about in your presentations. I have peered into that space with you at Yosemite and you have inspired me since. I now have an 8" Orion Skyview Pro Reflector and search the heavens from Northern California. I have given a dozen presentations since you motivated me.
    Will visit you at Bryce.
    Larry Razzano - US Forest Service Stanislaus - Carson NM - Now Mendocino NF Covelo, CA
